Thursday, March 31, 2011


This is Dallas' second year on t-ball....she could have tried out for softball but we chose to have her play t-ball another year (although she isn't thrilled because there is a lot of "little" kids on her team).  She had her first game on Tuesday and did GREAT! One of her hits flew past second base.  She is very fun to watch and really likes to get into the game. Should be a fun season.

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.....

Did I mention that along with t-ball Dallas is also on the swim team.  Yes the schedule is very busy, but exciting and entertaining too.  Today we had a gorgeous day and I had to draaaaaag her out of the pool (she is definitely my daughter). I do love the fact that she is enjoying the swim team as much as I did.  She has been practicing whenever she can on her dives off the block and just in one week I have noticed a big improvement. On the walk to the car this evening Dallas had some gas....a lot of gas....then in the car it continued.  So asked her "why do you have so much gas" and she responded " oh yeah well I kind of swallowed a lot of water".  So apparently if you swallow a lot of pool water it will give you gas.  BEWARE!!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

There's No Way

Dearest Terry,
Can you believe that after a few e-mails, some very long phone conversations, a wonderful first date at McDonald's with a fanny pack and an amazing first kiss that I had won your heart.... Ok so you totally swept me off my feet!!!

I had FINALLY met the man of my dreams.

As our journey began we grew together. We learned that sometimes you must go through lots of heartache, trials and tribulations before you are rewarded with the good stuff.  I really don't think that good is the right word either. Good can't even begin to describe the marriage that we have.  Our marriage is truly a gift that I will forever be grateful for.

I have met my perfect match.

My problem solver.

My motivator.

My handsome man in uniform (yes I said it)

My soft place to fall.

My family man.

I have an AMAZING father for my children.  I love to hear the kids jump up and run to you screaming "DADDY" the second you walk in the door. That will seriously never. get. old.  You and I have this awesome ability to reverse roles and I love it.  It never seems to fail that if one is getting frustrated the other is completely calm and takes over.  We are constantly keeping the kids on their toes with who is going to be "the bad guy".  Because of course in our house nobody ever yells ;).  I love the fact that you are an amazing teacher.  You are extremely patient when it comes to explaining things and sharing your knowledge.  I also enjoy (and love) the fact that you are correcting all of my grammar mistakes as you read this.

Through the struggles of daily life: potty training, 7 going on 17 attitude, calendar overload, kitchen remodel, house get the picture.  All of those are important but totally accomplishable as long as I have you by my side.  We have made many memories these past 4 years, but there is SO much more to come.  There truly is no way I could make it without you!  Happy Anniversary and thank you for loving me!

You always know how to make me laugh!
And you still loved me even though i was big as a house.

I still love you even though you caught your arm on fire.
I love you MOST!

Friday, March 18, 2011

And they all listened! Including the hubby ;)

Absolutely amazing that we are ALL smiling.....only took us 2 hours. Also just for the record Terry is amazingly helpful when we go and get pictures done. 


We wouldn't be complete without this little guy!!!

In The Beginning....

There once was an officer who was very much a gentlemen.....

who swept a princess off her feet.
Superman was always there to catch the princess.
Between the officer and superman they were SO strong they caught 2 princess'.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Time is of the essence

I have been longing to start a blog for quite some time now.  And whether it is me being overwhelmed by the whole process, lazy or whatever I have decided to DO IT!!!  You see I am not a great scrapbook type of mom  who has every milestone from my children's life mapped out and recorded in a pretty little book. Nor do I have nice and neat photo album assembled for them to treasure. I have mounds and mounds of pictures scattered EVERYWHERE. So after a lot of thought and some great advice from a wonderful friend here goes!  I know its kind of weird to start later in the year, but "there is no time like the present". Besides that, it is almost our anniversary so why not start the family blog with how the family came together :)